Mateusz Czajkowski

Advocate Trainee, Junior Associate

Mateusz Czajkowski

He supports the litigation department in work related to mortgages indexed to foreign currency.

He gained professional experience in international law firms, dealing with corporate services for companies, as well as civil and commercial proceedings. He also gained professional experience in a renowned Warsaw law firm, where he dealt with cases related to mortgages indexed to foreign currencies.

A graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin. He also graduated from the Socio-Economic Faculty of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, majoring in internal security. During his studies, he was a member of the European Law Students’ Association ELSA. He is currently an attorney trainee at the District Bar Council in Warsaw.

He speaks English.

In private, he is a keen basketball player and an active basketball referee. He also develops his musical skills in his free time.