Maciej Szwejda
Attorney-at-law, Senior Associate

He specialises in civil law, corporate law and labour law. Provides day-to-day legal services to business entities. His experience includes conducting M&A projects and processes reorganising the structure of capital groups for large TMT companies, assessment of legal aspects of advertising and marketing campaigns conducted by telecommunications industry entities in the nationwide media, conducting legal audits of companies related to their acquisition or IPO, negotiating commercial contracts of strategic importance with a value ranging from several dozen to several hundred million PLN.
He has also represented employers in court disputes with employees, including disputes related to mobbing and protection of personal rights. Based on a dozen or so years of experience as an in-house lawyer, he has supported companies in organising and improving the internal functioning of their enterprises, in particular by drawing up internal regulations and procedures (e.g. remuneration and bonus regulations, company social benefit fund regulations, procedures for granting powers of attorney, procedures for concluding agreements, procedures for assuming obligations) and by shaping the principles of internal legal services in a capital group.
He worked for large corporations, including stock exchange listed companies. For many years, Maciej managed legal departments in such companies as Elektrim SA, Netia SA, P4 Sp. z o.o. (Play network operator), holding the position of Legal Department Director or Chief Legal Counsel. In addition, he worked in reputable law firms.
He graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. He graduated from MBA Poznań-Atlanta studies conducted by Poznań University of Economics in cooperation with Georgia State University in Atlanta. He cooperates with Poznań University of Economics and Georgia State University in Atlanta, lecturing as part of MBA Poznań-Atlanta studies, based on his own original programme “Law for managers”. He is author of didactic materials for students of Poznań University of Economics on change management in M&A processes entitled “The Elements of Change Management for Managers”: “The Elements of Change Management for Human Resources during Mergers & Acquisitions”. He is entered in the list of legal advisers (entry no. PZ-1807). Maciej speaks English and Italian.